Thursday, 27 September 2012

Idea for blog

Hey all,
           I was siting at my desk relaxing and an idea came to mind, will try to be consistent with the uploads. So, without ado my idea. I'm thinking about changing my 'SKETCHBOOK' page and turning it into a self development page, where I post a new sketch per day for self development. Feel free to comment on anything you see, feedback is good!

Friday, 21 September 2012

Post for spread will be uploaded late, will hopefully get it up by Saturday night, many apologies.

Due Respect
Shane Forde

Wednesday, 19 September 2012

Been a very busy week for me! Working on more pages for Folklore, trying to balance school work, and work at the same time, and also re-writing the script for Samurai Instinct. Thank God for multitasking lol. Wish me luck.

Due Respect
Shane Forde

Monday, 10 September 2012

Folklore update

Folklore have been updated, it is starting to look smooth so far. I do hope to upload constantly, currently battling with my final year of college projects, so consistency may be a little off tangent, I apologize for that in advance.

Sunday, 26 August 2012

Webcomic Update

Hi guys, so the first piece that I showed was a snippet of the webcomic. Pages for the  comic will be coming soon, so stay tuned!

Due Respect
Shane Forde


Had the best two days of my life. Animekon 2012 was in fact beyond epic for me! it was my first time showcasing work in a convention of that standard, I came out with a higher sense of confidence in my work and self. The feed back was great, and the experience was greater. Animekon 2013.......can't wait!

Due Respect
Shane Forde

Saturday, 25 August 2012

1st Day at Animekon

My first ever convention showcase ever, and I must say, it was great! Had some really helpful feed back based on my sculptures. I am happy to say that I'm ready  for round two.

Due Respect
Shane Forde

Tuesday, 7 August 2012

Hi guys, I'm back!! Sorry for the long and blank time without mentioning, been experiencing some really dreadful technicalities. But, however, I was working on the story of the webcomic. Not much art work could be done on the comic due to my country's festivities which caused me to stay late hours at was a horror.
 I'm happy to announce that I will be taking part in a local art convention to help promote this blog and my art work. Also, in the space of time that I've been M.I.A, I've been utilizing any spare time to make some sculptures and key rings, images coming soon. Look out for more of me 'Art of Shane Forde' on the social media.

Saturday, 7 July 2012

Sometimes there's this really great idea, you would often think that its the one. That's when realty hits you in the face and says "Do another one"! Try for multiple ideas, never settle on one, you may change it at the very last minute.

Sunday, 24 June 2012

Research for this project was really exciting! Besides the fact that its part of my country's history and some will be of culture, it was a great gathering of information. Some came from work colleagues, the elderly and from our history site (though it could have given more info).

Technical difficulties

Trying to work on a schedule is hard work, didn't get to post up the second spread due to the un-accounted technical difficulties.

Wednesday, 20 June 2012

A good comic

A comic takes some time to develop, I believe that its not all art but story too. A matter of fact a good story is what makes me more interested and hungry for more.

Friday, 8 June 2012

Webcomic update

Hey all, webcomic should be up by next week, not sure which day but as soon as possible. I'm really looking forward to it and your comments, please feel free.

Thursday, 7 June 2012

Random sketching Urge

OK, so this morning on my way to work, I had a sudden urge to whip out my sketch book and sketch up a couple panels for the webcomic. I must say the story is developing slowly, but the first page is looking promising. Any typos and bad panelling you see, please feel free. Your GOOD, criticism is appreciated.

Wednesday, 6 June 2012


Hi guys, I bid you a warm welcome to my blog. As an artist and new blogger, I will try my up most best to keep this space up-to-date with sketches, coloured artwork, and a web comic I will hopefully be updating once a week.
I thank you for visiting my blog and hope you enjoy it to the fullest, with the hopes of your honest opinions and feedback.